What is VCA certification and what benefits does it bring you?
If you already have experience working abroad, you are familiar with the fact that you need all kinds of certifications and documents depending on the country where you are going to work. For some countries, those documents include proof of VCA certification. It is a fairly simple act to claim, but extremely important for a worker.
Here's everything you need to know about this certification, also requested by the employers we work with at DB Work, and why you need it to benefit from certain advantages.
First of all, VCA is the abbreviation of the Dutch name for VGM Checklist Voor Aannemers. The purpose of this certificate is to prove that the future employee or the holder of this certificate has all the information regarding the safety of the job. It is practically a certification received after completing the labor protection process. There are several countries where you will need this certificate. Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Sweden, and Luxembourg are just a few of them.
Labor protection is the most important thing for both the employee and the employer. This certification is all the more necessary in areas where employee safety is endangered. So, be sure that you will need this certificate for the following fields: transport, naval, construction, electricity, heavy industry, electromechanical, and petrochemical.
VCA certification can only be obtained by attending a special course. To be certified, you will need to pass an exam, so attending the course is vital to gaining the information needed to pass the exam. But this is not the only reason why you should attend this course.
The knowledge you will gain along the way is much more important. The course teaches you everything about the rules of labor protection in several countries around the world. You can learn about the safety measures used by international companies and even ask questions of those who teach the course. You can already prepare for your next job and leave without any emotions, knowing that you are ready to be safe.
Moreover, those who participate in the physical course are much more likely to pass the exam.
Depending on the agency where you decide to take the course and, implicitly, to take the exam, it can be of several types. Most of the time, the exam is a multiple choice one, and students must answer more than 65% of the questions correctly. The duration of the exam is usually 60 minutes, and each student must choose the correct answer.
The questions are about everything related to labor protection and the organization of a construction site or a high-risk workplace. Here are some examples of questions that can be found on the VCA certification exam.
That is why it is very important to go to the physical course to be able to understand all the information correctly. The questions are easy only for those who are focused and attentive to the course.
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An employment contract in the Netherlands through DB Work brings numerous benefits. Find the complete list of benefits in our article!
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