The importance of the BSN

Blogs News 11.10.23

The importance of the BSN for any employee in the Netherlands through DB Work

Employment in the Netherlands is a fairly straightforward process if it takes place under the umbrella of DB Work recruiters. One of the steps in the process of integrating into the Dutch community is obtaining your BSN. 

This is a very important document that every resident of the Netherlands has to obtain, regardless of whether or not they are a resident of the country. The BSN is granted free of charge by the Dutch tax administration and gives EU citizens the opportunity to work legally in the Netherlands, whereas non-EU citizens must obtain a work permit.

What is the BSN and why is it so important?

The BSN, or Burgerservicenummer, is a civic service number used in the Netherlands to identify people in various official systems. Similar to the CNP in Romania, it is essential for interaction with the Dutch authorities. Documents such as passports, driving licences and health cards have this number noted on them as a way of checking and confirming a person's record. This is why it is so important for any employee arriving in the Netherlands.

  • Access to healthcare - With a valid Netherlands BSN, anyone working in the Netherlands can benefit from healthcare services in the Netherlands, including registering with a GP and access to treatment and medication.
  • Social benefits - The BSN allows access to various social benefits and assistance, such as child benefit, unemployment benefit, and pension. 
  • Identification - This is often used as a general identification number in various situations, such as when applying for a driver's license or interacting with other service providers.
  • Opening a bank account - To open a bank account in the Netherlands, most banks require the presentation of a BSN.
  • Education - If you wish to follow courses or educational programs in the Netherlands, either at basic, secondary or higher education level, a Netherlands BSN is often required for enrolment.


Role of the BSN Netherlands code in the employment process

For employees in the Netherlands who are contracted for a period of more than 4 months, holding a BSN Netherlands is mandatory and offers a number of benefits. At the beginning of employment, the BSN facilitates the entire employment process, as it is required for the completion of all documents. Also, with a BSN, payroll taxes are more favorable; without it, employees would face higher taxes. With a BSN, employees have access to social services and receive health insurance, which is essential in the Netherlands.

What documents are required to obtain the BSN?

Every person's situation is different, so the documents required to obtain the BSN may vary. In most cases, the following documents are needed:

  • a valid identity document (passport or identity card)
  • birth certificate
  • a document proving residence in the Netherlands (a rental agreement for a house or a statement from your employer of your official postal address)


How can DB Work help you get your BSN?

Having the experience of employing a very large number of specialists, but also being very familiar with Dutch legislation, we are always at the side of DB Work employees throughout their employment with Dutch employers. We offer support through our team present in the Netherlands itself, and one of the things we do for each of them is to offer them guidance towards obtaining the BSN code.

With a dedicated and experienced team, DB Work provides step-by-step guidance, from appointments to advice on filling in forms. Whether you are new to the Netherlands or need to obtain your BSN, DB Work has the resources and services to make the process easier.

What benefits does DB Work offer you when you are hired?


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