DB Work: More Than Job Offers


DB Work: More Than Job Offers in the Netherlands - Free Informative Sessions for Candidates, Continuous Support for Employees

DB Work offers much more than simple job placements in the Netherlands. We stand out with a dedicated approach not just to DB Work candidates or employees but to everyone interested in building an international career.

DB Work: More Than Job Offers in the Netherlands

In addition to a comprehensive benefits package, DB Work occasionally organizes training courses and provides continuous support throughout the employment contract in the Netherlands, along with useful information and advice shared across all our online channels. Moreover, DB Work professionals can enjoy social and recreational events organized especially for them in the Netherlands. We also support the cultural and professional integration of DB Work employees, facilitating the transition to a new and dynamic work environment.

We frequently organize free workshops and informative sessions open to anyone interested in working abroad, providing them with all the necessary information to make an informed and safe step towards an international career. These initiatives aim to offer valuable and up-to-date information about working abroad, helping individuals make informed decisions about job offers in the Netherlands and ensuring safe employment.

What Do DB Work Workshops Entail?

DB Work workshops are organized in collaboration with our recruiters, usually at one of our offices. These events are streamed online on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, and participation is free of charge. Through these workshops, we aim to provide useful information about working abroad. Here are some of the informative sessions we have organized so far:

  • Free Online Workshop DB Work: "How to Safely Get a Job in the Netherlands": This free online workshop provided tips and information about choosing a recruitment and placement agency in the Netherlands, working legally abroad, and ways to increase your chances of employment during an interview. (June 2024)
  • DB Work Seminar: "Learn How to Safely Get a Job Abroad": This seminar covered topics such as the application and selection process for candidates, the benefits for employees who choose to work through DB Work, and useful tips to ensure you get the desired job in the Netherlands. (September 2021)


In addition to these live-streamed events, DB Work recruiters offer tips and useful information to candidates through any of DB Work's online communication channels. For example, from this clip on the DB Work YouTube channel, you can learn about the risks and challenges when accepting job offers in the Netherlands, and from this article, find out what we answer to candidates' most frequently asked questions.

What Topics Do We Cover in DB Work Free Workshops?

In the free sessions organized by DB Work, we cover various essential topics for those interested in working abroad and especially in job offers in the Netherlands. The discussed topics include arguments for and against working through a recruitment or mediation agency, how to check and choose the right recruitment agency, why it is important to work legally, and case studies about illegal employers. We also discuss aspects to consider when wanting to work in the Netherlands, the benefits offered by DB Work, and how to prepare your CV to increase your chances of quick employment. In other sessions, we detail the application and selection process for candidates, the advantages for employees who choose to work through DB Work, and provide useful tips to ensure you get the desired job in the Netherlands. All these topics are also detailed in various articles on the DB Work blog.

Job Offers in the Netherlands - Why Is It Important to Be Well Informed?

Identifying a reliable recruitment agency is extremely important to ensure a safe working environment and guarantee your rights as an employee. In an ideal world, all mediation and placement agencies would operate correctly, transparently, and in the best interest of employees. However, reality requires us to be vigilant and recognize the signs of a safe collaboration regarding job offers in the Netherlands.

The risks of working illegally are significant and include:

  • Legal Risks: Working without a legal employment contract can lead to penalties for the person working this way, including fines and the possibility of being expelled from the country where you are working as an expat.
  • Lack of Legal Rights: Those who work without a legal employment contract do not benefit from social security, including health insurance and pensions.
  • Inadequate Working Conditions: Without legal forms, the employer is not obliged to comply with the standards set by law regarding working conditions, salary, and working hours.
  • Job Instability: People working without a legal employment contract have no job security and can be dismissed without notice or compensation.


The risks of working illegally are significant and should not be underestimated. Choosing job offers in the Netherlands without a legal contract exposes you to numerous negative consequences, from legal penalties and lack of social rights to professional instability and inadequate working conditions. DB Work is committed to providing transparency and continuous support, ensuring that all employees benefit from legal and safe working conditions. This way, you can build a stable and successful career.


DB Work continues to be a trusted partner for everyone who wants to work abroad. We offer not only job placements but also continuous support, specialized training courses, and informative workshops to help you make the right choices and secure safe employment. Contact us to find out how we can help you build a successful career in the Netherlands.