One of the things that most people who go to work in The Netherlands are worried about is getting the BSN code. That shouldn't be the case because our support team takes care of all the programming and arrangements needed to get this code. If you don't know how important the BSN Number Netherlands code is or why you might need it, read the paragraphs below and find out all about BSN.
The name of this code can also be found in the form of Burgerservicenummer and is very similar to any identification number in any country. It has not been long since The Netherlands introduced this system for identifying citizens. Until 2007, The Netherlands operated on a system similar to that in America, in which every citizen has a social security code. It was called Sofinummer in The Netherlands.
To ensure the smooth running of government institutions in The Netherlands, the State has decided that a Netherlands BSN system is more than necessary. Now, everything has become simpler because the BSN code works both as a social security code and also as a tax identification code. Moreover, it is also used as a national identification code. You can't do much in The Netherlands if you don't have a BSN.
The BSN code is intended for those who live in The Netherlands or intend to live in The Netherlands for a longer period. If you are a tourist or do not plan to stay in The Netherlands for more than 4 months, you will not need a BSN code. If you are one of those who want to work in The Netherlands, you will probably do this for a longer period, so you have to go through the whole process of getting this code.
The process is the same for each of us. Most of the time, you will receive all the help you need, but to understand how the whole process works, here is how you can apply for BSN number Netherlands.
Before we move on to other explanations and instructions, we need to talk to you about BRP. A BRP is an institution of the Dutch state where absolutely all people living in The Netherlands are registered. Whether they are expats or not, registration with BRP is mandatory in the first 5 days after coming to the country.
BSN number Netherlands is a code you will need if you want to do anything that involves the government institutions of the state. Whether it's getting approval, a driver's license, or a financial transaction, you'll need BSN. The following is a list of everything that will necessitate the possession of a BSN in The Netherlands.
If you work for DB Work, you won't have to worry about registering for this BSN number Netherlands. Our team will help you with all the necessary appointments. Everything is very fast and you will be assisted throughout the process.
If you're interested in working in the Netherlands in the naval, industrial, logistics, or construction field, contact the DB Work team or send your CV to, and check our daily job vacancies!
An employment contract in the Netherlands through DB Work brings numerous benefits. Find the complete list of benefits in our article!
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