DB Work's team of recruiters has offered jobs and contracts în the Netherlands to thousands of qualified specialists in fields as diverse as shipping, logistics, industry and construction. While for some of them, knowledge and speaking of English is not compulsory, it is an important advantage in the recruitment process.
We are looking for more and more English-speaking professionals and beyond, and in the paragraphs below you will find out why it is important to learn English when you are working abroad.
Knowledge of English has always been an advantage in the context of getting a job in a country where employers are in constant search for skilled labor from across Europe. Most of DB Work's employer partners speak English, and the better you are able to communicate with them, the quicker you will integrate, and the higher the quality of your relationship during working hours.
However, what you should be aware of is that different employers have different requirements for the same job in terms of mandatory knowledge of English or Dutch. For example, while some require you to have a medium level of English for the same job, others only require a minimum conversational level, and others do not require foreign language skills, as team or site coordinators are of the same nationality as you and can easily get along with you.
You should also know that regardless of whether or not you know a foreign language, the employment contract signed through DB Work will be written in both Dutch and your native language for full transparency.
If you want to see which vacancies we are looking for specialists for right now, take a look at the list of vacancies by clicking here.
This way, you will find out in concrete terms which jobs DB Work employers need foreign language specialists for.
When you arrive in the Netherlands, you will not only have to adapt to a new job, but also to new social behaviours and a new culture. Adjusting to the Dutch way of life, a new set of laws and a new set of rules that the Dutch consider normal are also part of the adaptation process.
According to a recent study, the Dutch are the most fluent speakers of English in the world among peoples who do not have English as their native language. So knowing at least a basic level of this internationally spoken foreign language helps you a lot to get information, communicate more effectively with the Dutch and ultimately feel at home in your new country.
On the other hand, DB Work's employer partners speak English, and the better you communicate with them, the faster you will integrate and the better you will get on with your work.
If you want to get that language advantage, want to learn English or just want to improve your speaking, writing or listening skills a bit, the DB Work team has some recommendations for you:
Learn more about the benefits offered by DB Work contracts!
Send your updated CV to job@dbwork.com and our recruiters will get back to you as soon as possible.
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