Passion follows you wherever you go, and no matter how far you travel or live, your passion for fishing is not lost. On the contrary, the farther you go from the places you are used to, the greater your appetite for fishing will be.
And because many of the employees who sign contracts with DB Work are passionate about fishing, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk about the rules of fishing in the Netherlands, what is allowed and what is not allowed, and what are the right areas for fishing, as well as what fees you have to pay for this activity.
The Netherlands is a country that is largely below sea level, and this gives fish a prosperous habitat in which to grow. Fortunately for fishermen, this means that you will be able to catch a variety of fish species in all areas of the country. From Perch, Trout, Pike, Carp and even Zander.
In the Netherlands, you will be able to practice several types of fishing, depending on how you like to approach fishing parties. You can fish from the shore, the strategy most commonly used by all fishermen in the Netherlands. But you will also be able to fish from the boat, a fishing method very commonly practiced by the citizens of the Netherlands. Throughout the country, you will find many rivers and lakes that pass right through the middle of cities.
Those who want to have a pleasant fishing experience will be able to walk on the famous canals of Amsterdam, in the small villages where fishing is a tradition, and even admire the important landscapes that the historical areas of the Netherlands offer. Another very good fishing destination where you can admire the beauty of one of the most important ports in Europe is Rotterdam.
Important fishing restrictions and rules in the Netherlands must be strictly observed. Fines for violating these rules are not small at all, and in some cases, you risk losing your fishing license. The first restrictions you need to know about are those related to the bait that can be used in fishing parties.
The only baits allowed in the Netherlands are: bread, potato, dough, cheese, corn, seeds, worms, earthworms, insects, and larvae.
Any other type of bait is prohibited and will bring with it fines and penalties.
Like any other country that has the opportunity to support a fishing industry, the Netherlands is also very attentive to all the rules and restrictions it sets each year. Thus, periods of prohibition are set periodically, and fishermen are not allowed to keep certain species of fish, and protected ones must be released if they have been caught.
So, here is a short list that tells you exactly what the prohibition periods in the Netherlands are and the species that are protected during that period.
Salmon and Sea Trout - All year round.
October 1st - March 31st - Brown Trout, Trout, Char
March 1st - June 30th - Pike
April 1st - May 31st - Barn, Carp, Grayling
April 1st - Last Saturday of May - Perch, Lican
The most important fishing permit in the Netherlands that you should get is VISpas. With this permit, you will be able to fish in about 90% of the waters in the Netherlands. VISpas permission can be obtained by accessing the website You will have to pay a fee of 40 euros to receive the permit, and it is valid from January 1st to August 31st.
The Netherlands is a very beautiful country for a fishing enthusiast. The most beautiful landscapes and lakes you will find in Europe are in the Netherlands. If you add the opportunity to fish directly from the streets of Amsterdam, the experience becomes unique.
Have you ever dreamed of working in the maritime, industrial, logistics, or construction sectors in the Netherlands? If yes, don't hesitate to get in touch with us! You can send your CV to the email address or reach out to our team. Make sure you stay updated with our daily refreshed job vacancies.
As for the benefits provided by a DB Work intermediary contract in the Netherlands, you can find all the details in a comprehensive article that we provide for you.
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